What documentation, app, certificate, test, booking form, attestation you will need to travel to France and Morzine this summer.

You can double check all of our information HERE.

To begin, if you are not vaccinated, forget travelling to Europe this Summer. You might be able to find a way of entering a country without quarantine, but with each nations Health Pass becoming common place, you will not be able to do much. Bars, restaurants and accommodation providers will all require them from 7th August in France.

If you are fully vaccinated or will be, plus 7 days after your second jab, then below details what you will need to travel to Europe this summer.


As someone who is fully vaccinated, you do not need to provide a negative test to enter France. A lateral flow, PCR or other is NOT required by border control.

If you are between 12 and 18 and unvaccinated, you will need to be with a guardian or parent who is fully vaccinated to avoid a quarantine in France, and you will also need to present a negative lateral flow or PCR test, your choice but if it is lateral flow or PCR test, less then 24 hours old. The test should come with a certificate for travel, not one of the free home kits.

If you are under 18, travelling by yourself and unvaccinated the same rules as adults apply. If you are under 12 you will need to be travelling with a guardian, and you do not need to present a negative test or be vaccinated.


The most important information for travel in 2021 other than your passport. We strongly advise you bring a hard copy of your vaccination status with you.

You must have been double jabbed with an EMA approved vaccine with more than 7 days since your previous jab. The Indian made Covishield vaccine is also approved in France.

Your vaccination status is important not only for restriction free travel into France, it will also allow you to enter bars, restaurants and accommodations without the need to provide a negative covid test.

Your vaccine certificate should be presented in paper form or in the French Tous Anti Covid App. Aswell as your NHS App. At the moment the French app will accept your NHS certificates, but the apps themselves are not reciprocal. Details about the app can be found below.


You will need to have this filled out to enter France. Though you may not be asked to present it, it is an official requirement. It's simply a self declaration that you are not suffering from any Covid-19 symptoms.

You can easily access the form in English HERE. Go to Heading 2.2, download and fill out the 'statement of honor' attachment.

  • You can have this in digital or paper form.
  • You maybe asked for it at any border crossing into France.


This is the app you'll use to gain access to venues across France. The NHS app can be used to gain access to venues but it needs to be a physical check by the staff on duty, your paper vaccination certificate will also work. The most streamlined is the French App.

It works exactly the same way as the NHS App, except some of the information is in French. Most of it can be translated by your smart phone or it will automatically present in English.

It will generate a QR code from your NHS Vaccine certificate. You will need to have your NHS Vaccine with it's QR code to begin. This will be in digital format. In order for you to upload it into the French app you will have to do one of two things;

  • Screenshot onto your phone and send it to a friend.
  • Print a hard copy (recommended as a back up incase of lost phone)

Once you have your NHS Certificate, download the French app to your phone.

The link to the Tous Anti Covid App can be found HERE for Iphone and HERE for Android.

Open the app and immediately you will see an option to upload a certificate via a QR code. Scan both of your certificates. Click on the three small dots in the top right of the certificate you have uploaded and you maybe presented with an option to convert them to the EU format. Do so. If you do not have this option, or are presented with a message that says the certificates are not to the EU standard, do not worry too much, if you are asked you can still show your certificates as they are, in the NHS app, or in hard copy if asked from them.

How to use the french covid app
How the Tous Anti Covid app appears on your phone and what you can expect to see in each step

You are all set to go!

If you do not have a smartphone, or the ability, or desire to use one, or technology is hindering your path to freedom, bring the certificates with you. It is a good idea to have these copied multiple times, and keep the originals safe. Considering that you will be mountain biking, laminating them or having a water proof pouch would be a smart idea.


You'll need a negative covid test to return to the UK, this can be done at either Morzine pharmacy in advance of your departure, it must be no older than 72 hours.


A lateral flow test is all that is required to return to the UK, see all of the details HERE. in short, the test you can get at either Morzine pharmacy meets the requirements to enter into the UK.

A PCR test will also be accepted, these can be taken in the medical centre 830h to 9h and 17h-1730h. No appointments can be made, it is first come first served and if there is too many people you may not get seen. You can also take a PCR test in Tanninges, 20 minutes from Morzine, you will need to arrange a taxi to the lab or be able to drive yourself.

You will need a PCR test within two days of returning to the UK. There are many providers of this test and costs vary greatly. Randox provide some the cheapest PCR tests we have found.

You will also need to fill out a passenger locator form before returning to the UK.


Switzerland is not on the UK's amber plus list so you will not need to quarantine on return to the UK.

Switzerland will also allow entry to double vaccinated travellers without quarantine, under the same rules as the French. See all the detail from the Swiss Government HERE.

You may or may not be checked on the border entering France, the checks are random, but you will have all the necessary documentation to enter.


Morzine is very similar to Summer 2020.

  • Masks are currently required in the centre of town, even in the open due to the high volume of tourists for the French school summer holidays.
  • Masks are required in shops, restaurants and bars when not sat at your table.
  • Masks are required in our Riders Weeks chalet when circulating the building, but not in your room or at your table. Our Covid-19 procedures are the same as 2020, they proved very successful, read them HERE.
  • Masks are not currently required on outdoor chairlifts, or in the lift lines.

The general feeling in town is that it is quieter than 2020. There have been alot of European visitors and of course the local Morzine mountain bike scene is alive and kicking. However there has been a drastic reduction in the amount of tourists from the UK, North America, Australia and New Zealand and this has made an impact.

We are seeing more visitors from the U.S. and Canada now, and with the dropping of the UK quarantine from France, we expect August to be much busier than July.


That is everything you need to be able to holiday in France this summer.

In summary;

  • VACCINATION CERTIFICATE - In the TousAntiCovid App
  • LATERAL FLOW TEST - To return to the UK
  • PCR TEST - By day two of your return to the UK

Beyond that you will need your bike, your kit, spending money and a face mask.

Click the links below for some of the properties we still have vacancies for, and click HERE for some amazing last minute deals!


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de €950 par semaine
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