Summer is here. The lifts in and around Morzine are turning and the trails are open. We would normally be welcoming our first clients for the summer season this Saturday, unfortunately things did not work out. We’re here, but you guys aren’t and to be honest it sucks as much for us as it does for you.

But, brighter news is finally starting to filter through. There is light at the end of the tunnel and though some of what we are about to talk about is rumours, what we have learned over the past few months is that there is no smoke without fire, be it negative or positive, leaks from the Governments of France and the UK have come to pass.


At the moment France is still on the UK’s Amber list, meaning you cannot travel to France without facing a quarantine on your return to the UK. FCO advice still indicates that travelling to an amber country is not advised. Is this all about to change? Sources within the Government have indicated a review is underway that would allow fully vaccinated Brits to travel to amber countries, without the need to quarantine on return.

Though testing would still need to be carried out around the trip, it would essentially make most of Europe a green list for those that have been jabbed. This policy is coming into force across Europe, and is already in action across many borders. There is no date set for it to be announced or put into practice, though we don’t like rumours, we like this one enough to put it out there, we need some good news, so lets hope it sticks.

Unfortunately, it looks like we will have to wait for a further change in the restrictions for there to be any movement on those who are not vaccinated. Read on for our thoughts on when this might change.

Super Morzine's newest features being built and ridden


You can travel to France without any need to justify why, if you are fully vaccinated. This applied from June 9th. There are restrictions on British travellers who are not vaccinated, a 7 day home quarantine, and the need for an essential reason to visit. But if jabbed, you can travel here, you will also need an antigen or PCR test before travel.

Children under 18 will be able to travel with vaccinated parents, even if they are not vaccinated themselves. No quarantine would apply to them, but they will require a negative test.

From June 17th, masks are no longer required anywhere outdoors, and the curfew of 23h is going to be scrapped on Sunday June 20th, 10 days earlier than expected. 

This is happening because France has made great progress both in vaccination rates and in curbing the spread of infections. The 7 day average infections is now down to 3,000, and the infections per 100k people is down to 31. 

46% of the population had had at least one jab (30.5 million people), and 22.7% are fully vaccinated. The jab is now available to anyone, any age that wants it and appointments are readily available and being taken across the country.

The classic features of Super Morzine are primed

Super Morzine widow maker


Many of you would be flying into Geneva if you were travelling to Morzine. Today, it is a mess, you wouldn’t bother trying. Without listing all the requirements and restrictions, you simply won’t get on a flight, so ignore the news and ignore the rumours, even if you are transiting.

 Why? Because that changes on June 28th. The Swiss government will relax entry restrictions from this date, meaning the previous transit rules will apply, so getting a flight into Switzerland to transit into France will be possible, this will however be dependent on several testing or vaccination hurdles.

Chalet host Jack making the most of the trails and a quiet start to Summer

Covid safe MTB holiday


The easiest way to think about the current rules, is if you are fully vaccinated, with more than two weeks since your last jab, you will be able to travel to Europe this summer with minimal disruption. If you are not vaccinated, or have had only 1 jab, you are going to have to wait for some more barriers to come down.

This may, or may not change. Rules are being updated constantly, it is unlikely that you will find any loopholes, as the authorities will need to pass down instructions to agents at the borders to enforce, so with the next major update due on June 28th, we will have to wait until at least then to get some definitive answers.

Physically travelling is becoming more and more confusing and tricky as airlines cancel flights and attempt to keep up with demand, as rules become clearer this will probably change, this article sums up the situation very well.


  • If you are fully vaccinated, you can enter France or Switzerland for any reason from June 28th (you can enter France already, from June 9th), negative covid tests are still required. You would not need to quarantine on arrival.
  • If this is made official, on return to the UK, if you are fully vaccinated, you will not need to quarantine even if you have visited an amber country. This is expected to be announced in a review of travel on June 28th, it will not come into effect until some point in July.
  • On return to the UK, this likely means the obligatory PCR tests would also not be required, saving a fair wedge of expense, though this has not been confirmed. You will be able to fly into Switzerland and transit to France by the time these rules come into place.

It feels like there is nothing left to cross anymore, but find find something and cross it anyway. The summer has only really just begun and there is still time to enjoy your a bike holiday in Europe this year!

See all of our past updates, aswell as holiday advice and terms HERE.


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