What is Morzine like right now? For the most part, like any other year! Just add masks, sanitiser, signage and a dash of social responsibility. Wash your hands regularly, use the sanisters provided, no snogging strangers and put you mask on in the shops, on the lifts or whenever the signs say to do it....simples!
The trails are running prime, the extra efforts of the shapers across resorts this year is noticeable and the weather has been peachy after a rainy June, the rest of summer 2020 is looking good!
Life after Lockdown - Morzine Summer 2020
- Can you ride your bike? Yes!
- Are all the lifts and trails open? Yes!
- Are the bars and restaurants open? Yes!
- Is the town deserted? No!
- How do you socially distance? By keeping 1m away from people not in your group.
- Do you have to wear a mask riding? In a bar? A cafe? A shop? To walk the dog? In the car? In the pool? Maybe! Just ask and read the signs.
The simple answer to the mask question, take one with you EVERYWHERE you go and you can't go wrong, maybe by the time you read this you might be asked to wear one in more places, or less. For now, read the signs, If you've got one in your pocket, you can just stick it on, all good.
Morzine is open, businesses across town have made considerable efforts to open and put procedures in place so your holiday can be provided with as little disruption as possible.
We’ve made the commitment to you by taking on the properties, staff and resources needed to operate, not everyone has, but we are on the ground and ready to go!
It is still the best time you can have on your bike, if you still don't believe us, go check out our recent reviews, our stories, or better yet, book on and get out here!